Why Partner with WOSP360?
The WOSP360iA –
Impact Analytics platform uses Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning targeting individuals or groups that lead initiatives to foster collaboration in the engineer, consult and advisor workplace. Impact Leaders, Project developers and System Thinkers promoting coordination between distributed teams, companies and their clients and customers.
WOSP360 offer result-based commissions, support and high-performance resources designed to boost your knowledge and sales proposals.
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We have solved the most pressing challenges of our time by designing a B2B platform for all SDG developers, ESG risk assessors, engineers, contractors, consults and advisors providing analytic services. A global and wide range of product and services providers can use the same technology and system platform for your business and project development to ensure Sustainability is delivered.
The SIE Academy takes a constructive approach on ESG, SDG and EHS development, acknowledging the fact that all techniques and technologies to encounter today’s environmental and scarcity problems are already at hand. It is only the speed of their implementation that determines the adaptation toll humanity will have to pay. At the same time, system thinking opens new investment horizons widely ignored by linear economics. Social wellbeing and happiness as criteria demanding value-based parameters to reach economic Sustainability
We enabled your company to successfully implement cloud as your remote working strategy, the COVID 19 pandemic demonstrates every day how important the Wosp360 Impact Analytic solution is to build the resilience you need in future business.
WOSP360iA, added services to your business and operations:
Between new political regulations and the rapidly increasing SDG, ESG and PRI market pressure, impact and emissions management are increasingly a concern for the Finance Industry and most business sectors. Committed to supporting Board-room directors, business leaders, engineers, advisors and consults in sustainability education and corporate emission reduction to achieve climate control by 2025, Impactivation Systems is positioned to be a market leader in its fields of expertise. Supporting the Invest and Finance Industry, the energy and process industries, production and supply industries with ways of direct and indirect emission reduction to meet political and UN targets.
WOSP360, the World Sustainability Protocol is an independent Business-2-Business service and technology platform dedicated exclusively to serving a broad and diverse community of professionals within engineering and management organisations worldwide. With you as a certified SIE Master and your company a Certified SIE Corporation you are already in front and can achieve national and local SIE Franchise contracts becoming an SIE MASTER EXECUTIVE.
WOSP360 is the first of its kind decision-making platform successfully combining Sustainability, Climate & Capital into mathematical impact metrics, coined: SIP or Sustainable Impact Parameters. We succeeded in combining WOSP metrics with ESG, Responsible Finance and Impact Invest metrics by sourcing environmental and climate-related intelligence by using the WOSP360 Impact Algorithm. The result is a Proactive and predictive sustainability risk assessment tool for corporate decision-making, delivering verified Sustainability, corporate profitability, and social prosperity for every industry and any project.